Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just Trucking Along!

So today marks 21 weeks! I feel like it has gone by WAY TOO FAST!  The girls are in full motion, mainly at night. And boy are they active :) This is always a good thing, and really fun at night when I am by myself paying close attention to their movements. 

According to what I have read, they are measuring about 10 1/2 inches long. I will have a better idea of their length and such when I go see the doctor on the 29th!

Today I finally sent my IM (Intended mom) a picture of me and the belly. :)

Me and the girls!!!  

Friday, May 4, 2012

So here we are again.... back in the swing of things.

So let's see,  I was recently pulled from my OB's and got a new one whom I got to meet today! LOVE HIM!!!   The girls are doing good, however still causing me morning sickness and thank goodness it is only int he morning now. :) 

But now.. now comes the heartburn!

At today's appointment the girls were super active :) Doctor said I should start feeling them more often within the next 2 weeks!!  That should be fun. Let the cage fighting begin! 

Baby A who is on the right is measuring 18 weeks and 4 days and is weighing in at 8 oz and Baby B who is on the left is measuring 19 weeks and weighing in at 9 oz.  Wasn't able to actually verify yet that they are girls...  but for the sake of the gender selection we will still call them girls. :)

I am feeling good for the most part, I get in some good walking here and there, but find that my walk has kind of turned into that of a turtle. :)   But I get the walking in and that is all that matters to me :)

I suppose I will post at least a belly pic soon. I am not a fan of the camera.

Until next time....